Side Hustle: Flipping Websites — Includes A Simple Yet Powerful Shortcut To Reach Success

Side Hustle Discovery | Adam
7 min readJul 25, 2022

If you're currently looking for the fastest, most-sure fire way to earn a couple of hundred bucks online, and on the side of your already uber busy schedule, pay attention — we are handing you the key to just that in this article! Were not ONLY teaching you how to find success when “flipping websites”, but a shortcut to reaching that success with the online business model.

So, we’ve all known about (and continually hear about) the success of SO MANY, by “flipping” simple starter websites, on marketplaces such as Flippa, MicroAquire, and other popular online business marketplaces, across the internet… (yeah, yeah… we get it, yall are ROLLING IN THE DOUGH!)

We've all read the latest trends when it comes to online side hustles, especially, right here, on Medium! It seems there are always the regulars when it comes to the same ol’ popular recommendations…

Everything from… blogging, and dropshipping, to starting a cleaning/automobile detailing business, freelancing, even selling on eBay/Amazon, etc.. yotta, yotta, ….yotta!

Well, today, I not only have a great recommendation, for one of the best side hustles for anyone to start in 2022, in this article but more importantly — I have included a legitimate shortcut for ANYONE looking to dip their toes in the water, and actually get started testing out the business model, themselves!

I will go ahead and tell you that flipping websites is in fact, my recommendation, here within this particular article. Flipping websites can be a perfect fit for many who are looking to earn an extra $500-$2K+ per month, online — all on the side of your regular 9–5 (career or job).

This one simple, yet shortcut, is actually a powerful strategy, that will sit beside the business model of flipping websites, that will actually allow you to scale the model, and help you earn a lot more, much sooner — while doing WAY LESS WORK!

Now, first I have to be honest — I'm NOT saying, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME ANYONE HAS THOUGHT (or implemented) OF THIS STRATEGY/SHORTCUT!

No, no, no!

In all actuality, maybe even YOU, have thought of it, in the past, when running different plans, and models, through your head, while thinking about how exactly to get started — flipping websites!

Now, I know that when it comes to flipping websites, surely… you’ve already seen, and honestly — more than once, probably on multiple occasions, because it’s literally, taken Medium (in particular) by storm. I mean, it seems to be recommended EV-AH-RYWHERE, nowadays!

If I've read one article, I have scrolled over, and read through a thousand instances of individuals buying & selling websites, to earn an extra income online!

I can & will confidently bet you there's a total of 10K+ articles listed, at this very second… right here on Medium, alone, recommending you get started flipping these simple starter websites on marketplaces like Flippa!

It's a simple process and most of the articles currently published — do a great job carefully walking you through the needed steps, and showing you how to get started, when it comes to that particular online business model… so, I'll bear you the time, in which it takes to share those specific details, (which in all reality are just a few simple-to-follow steps) as they're not hard to find, plus… they’ve already done such a well-enough job at explaining all that — I'll just skip over that here in this particular article.

You can just let me know if you have any trouble finding any of this information, and I’ll be glad to help!

Where To “Flip Websites” — Flippa, MotionInvest, MicroAquire, or use a Private Broker, as myself… who has a MASSIVE network of both, buyers, and sellers. Just reach out!

The General Idea or Overview Of Flipping Websites

If you have ever used any type of site builder to build a website, such as Groove’s Visual Builder or Squarespace… or a platform like WordPress to create a simple blog or e-commerce store, then you're already ahead of the game — and you can easily jump in and start flipping websites.

Obviously, the more established the site is (that you're selling) the more it's going to be worth… but the most common types of websites that are “flipped” are what they call “starter sites”.

Starter Sites are simply newly built websites, that have very little, to no traffic, no sales, and most of the time even the content is barely there, very minimal. These websites have a brand attached to them & usually fit a specific niche, but again, they're newly built and have yet to be ranked — and the reason for this is — when producing the mockup, they just don't have much content published (if any at all)

Basically, it's just a fully standing website/blog that has the niche selected, the brand created, and a marketing plan, in place but not yet implemented. It just needs content and you to begin marketing the website to find growth, hopefully eventually becoming ranked by search engines — gaining tons of traffic, and beginning to earn revenue.

After creating these “starter websites” — you can list these sites “for sale” on marketplaces such as Flippa, (the best option for this type of website/strategy) but other marketplaces include MicroAquire or MotionInvest!

The “shortcut” to “flipping websites” graphic

Finally — The Shortcut

I will go ahead and try to sum up the reason I have you here! And, that's simple to share a shortcut around an already popular side hustle recommendation, flipping websites!

The shortcut that I would use eliminates the short process involved when creating and listing the websites for sale.

You may ask yourself…

But, if you skip over the steps needed to build out and then list these websites then how will… wh.. won't the process not get finished?! And, the question would be perfectly understandable, but nope!

...I mean, yes, the process will still end up being completed, just not by you!

Everyone, nowadays, seems to always be looking for the cheapest, and lowest costing solution, this too, is understandable…. but many times it only leads to one trading their time for money.

This is just one of the wonderful trade-out many times, allowing almost everyone the same opportunities, as everyone else, when before only the wealthy could afford to leverage the opportunity.

And, that's one of the many — perks of living in 2022, as long as someone is willing to roll up their sleeves and put in the work, it really doesn't matter how much money you have, or maybe, that you don't have today!

Okay, okay — you say… that's great and all, but how is all this connected, or “Adam, and where the HE[LL] is this shortcut, that you speak of…?!

I speak of trading time for money, here, simply because of the fact that so many, out there, are so quick to jump on the newest trendy business model, being recommended for a side hustle, and they start putting in the needed work to get it all set up, and before they can even get the project officially launched, they're done…. they've become burned out!

This is because as humans we're naturally creatures of instant gratification!

We want the talked about end results, now! But, that's not the problem, is it? Everyone dreams of their blog earning money, or their e-commerce store making a sale… that's nothing to fret over!

I simply mean, that whatever we're building, normally, takes us a bit too long, and this is because we ourselves are having to try and put forth ALL the needed work, in order to get it to the point of our project — that we actually begin producing these end results, in which we dream of!

It's the whole reason we even started building all of this, isn't it?!

Yes, of course! But, please… let me suggest a bit of a shortcut for you!

As you can tell, by now… this isn't only a shortcut for just flipping websites but for any side hustle project that you may be looking to start in 2022! Whether starting a new blog, building an e-commerce website, or like half the other entrepreneur writers on Medium suggests, flipping websites!

Don't try and do ALL the work yourself but rather outsource some of the work to freelancers using platforms like Fiverr or Legiit

The term, outsourcing, simply means, “to hire out some of the tasks needed” to freelancers, or other professionals in the needed field, in order to complete your next side hustle project to low-costing freelancers, who specialize in that specific vertical.

This will help keep you from getting burned out and not to mention, that area of the project will probably look better whether it be a specific design or content that you have purchased from said talented freelancer.

More so, the amount of time this will shave off of the entire project is astronomical, it really does all add up!

Why Didn't I Think Of That — It's So SIMPLE!??

Most don't think about this basic shortcut, and that's simply because outsourcing, in general, is rarely suggested, and that's only because so many are just looking for the cheapest, and lowest-costing route when receiving advice around the topic of, “how to get started with a particular project”.

But, in all reality, outsourcing today is so much more affordable with freelance marketplaces existing for anyone to use.

What You Can Outsource?!

Some of the areas of a project that you can easily outsource to freelancers on (freelance marketplaces such as Fiverr) are…



Side Hustle Discovery | Adam

Teaching Regular "Non-Techies" Exactly How To Start & Grow An Online Business (Side Hustle) - On The Side Of Their Regular "9-5" | 2021 Adam Madden | Founder